There are various ways to say thank you in German. Whether you need to write a thank you letter or note in German, are visiting the country and would like to learn a few German words. Below you will find German thank you phrases to help you.
Dankeschön - thank you
dankbar - grateful, thankful
die Dankbarkeit - gratitude, thanks
Ich bedanke mich! - I thank you!
Nein, danke! - No thanks!
Nichts zu danken! - Don't mention it! You're welcome!
Bitte! - You're welcome! - (in response to "Danke
Ein herzliches Dankeschön! - My/Our heartfelt thanks
das Dankschreiben - thank-you note/letter
der Dankbrief - thank-you letter
Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit - Thank you for your attention
Danke für Ihre Verständnis - Thank you for your understanding
Danke für Ihre Zusammenarbeit - Thank you for your cooperation
Danke für Ihre Hilfe - Thank you for your help
Danke für Ihren Einkauf - Thank you for shopping with us
Danke für Ihren Auftrag - Thank you for your order
das Dankgebet - prayer of thanks
die Danksagung - expression of thanks/gratitude, thanksgiving
das Erntedankfest - (Harvest) Thanksgiving
This may help you if you are invited to dinner at a German's house. It
is normal to take a gift such as flowers, a bottle of wine or
chocolates. Follow up by sending a hand written thank you note the
following day to thank the hostess for her hospitality.
Coming soon: Thank you letters in German for sympathy and bereavement,
birthday and wedding gifts and more for you to copy or use as
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Thank You In German to Sample Thank You Notes Wording
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